Tarrant County Real Estate Records Fee Schedule

Tarrant County lists it’s recording fees on their website. Click the header above to go directly to the Tarrant County website to see a full list of their recording fees. All Real Estate records that are to be available for public record must be filed in the:

Tarrant County Courthouse Records Filing Office – Room B20
100 W. Weatherford St. Fort Worth, TX 76196
The County Clerk’s office phone number is 817-884-1062
Visit Tarrant County’s Website

Most Documents Are:

$5 for the first page

$4 for each additional page

$5 Records Management Fee (RMF)

$1 Security Fee (SF)

$5 Records Archive Fee (AF)

Most Realty Documents Can Be Calculated As:


$16 For the first page; and

$4 for each additional page